Exhale Body Rejuvenation


Exhale Body Rejuvenation

Watch this video to see how a Colon Hydrotherapy procedure
is preformed.

Colon Hdyrotherapy

The colon, with its amazing design, does its job well - for most of us. For others, there are problems. What is it about the way we live in today’s society, that makes cleansing of the colon such a great idea? There are many reasons, but let's consider just a few:

Colon/bowel cancer is the the 2nd largest cause of death in Australia. Of the 274 new cases diagnosed every week, 78 people die of this disease.
Digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, take countless people to the doctor's office, but doctors often have very little success in treating these disorders.
Candida-related illnesses plague an ever-growing number of people, with confusing symptoms, every day.
For those wanting to kick start weight loss, colonic irrigation speeds the process by ridding the body of acid (toxins) stored in fat tissue.

Health problems such as these indicate that the colon needs more attention than we are giving it. Colon cleansing can be an effective procedure for many people to help improve their health. 

One specific example of the benefits of colon cleansing can be examined by looking at the role that the gallbladder plays in the body. The gallbladder, a digestive organ, stores bile, releasing it after meals for fat digestion. Bile also helps to carry acids out of the body. During a colon hydrotherapy session, there is often a tremendous release of bile. In this way, the body is able to overcome acidity, which is a common cause of many illnesses. 

“Why Doesn't the colon clean itself”?
We don't clean any of our other internal body parts." Actually, we do! We clean our teeth and gums. We need to, or else we would suffer from increased cavities and more gum disease. Just as we brush to maintain the health of our teeth and gums, it makes good sense to "brush" our colon. We all regularly digest foods that, while passing through the colon, dump excess baggage (waste) along the colon wall along the way. The colon's primary function is to eliminate waste. Waste material that has remained in the colon for some time (i.e. impacted faeces, accumulated mucous, parasites and chemical residue, etc.) can pose health problems, which over time will lead to disease. Also, impacted materials impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and cause the overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast. 

Colonic irrigation can greatly alleviate this congestion and the build-up of toxic waste. It is a safe, effective method for cleaning out colon waste and ridding the system of this unwanted material, by repeated, gentle flushing of warm water.

Weight Loss
For those wanting to kick start weight loss, colonic irrigation speeds the process of ridding the body of acid (toxins) stored in fat tissue. Once the acidity is released, the fat tissue no longer needs to bind and buffer the acid, meaning the body can then begin letting go of this excess stored fat.  For maximum weight loss benefits a course of colonic hydrotherapy should be completed in conjunction with detoxification and a weight loss program.  . 

Other Conditions
Other specific conditions which respond particularly well to colon hydrotherapy are chronic or acute constipation; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); bloating linked to period pains and IBS; fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome; headaches; depression; stress and nervousness; allergies; lung disorders, including asthma; skin problems, including acne, eczema and psoriasis; toxicity due to drugs, alcohol, smoking or toxic chemicals; many acute illnesses, such as colds, flu and sore throats; joint and circulation problems; and mucous congestion anywhere in the body. 

Summary of Benefits:

- Stimulation of the body's immune system
- Allow the free passage of nutrients into the blood steam
- Prevention of toxic absorption
Provision of a favourable environment for friendly bacteria and micro-flora, aiding digestion
- Strengthening muscular contraction of the colon (peristalsis)
- Promotion of normal and regular bowel movement
- Clearer skin complexion
- Increased energy levels
- Relief from bloating and abdominal distension
- Relief from constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Reduced frequency of toxic headaches
- Safely and effectively removes and cleanses the colon of old hard waste material and harmful toxins caused by today's lifestyle, convenience foods, stress, and pollution.
- Flushes liver and hence greatly enhances it's detoxification
- Improves pH balance in the whole body
- Re-educates the colon towards healthier peristalsis and more regular bowel movements
Results in increased energy, advanced mental clarity, clearer skin and improved circulation

Price List - Colon Hydrotherapy

To book your initial consultation please call
07 5559 1631 or 0434 799 096

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