
SOG3 – The Gateway to Internal
Cleansing and Detoxification.






Our bodies naturally detoxify everyday as part of a normal body process. Detoxification is one of the body’s most basic automatic functions of eliminating and neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Unfortunately in this day and age, with the pollution found in the air, water and food we eat, our bodies have a hard time keeping up. Our chemicalised diet with too much animal protein, too much saturated and trans fats, too much caffeine and alcohol radically changes our internal ecosystem.

Body systems and organs that were once capable of cleaning out unwanted substances are now completely over-loaded to the point where toxic material remains inside our tissues. Our bodies try to protect us from dangerous substances by setting it aside, surrounding it with mucous and fat so that it will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response (some people carry up to 7 extra pounds of mucous that harbours this waste)

Detoxification through special cleansing diets and colonics is the best way to assist your body’s natural self-cleaning system. It is especially important for immune-compromised diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue. However, even if your diet is good, a spring cleanse can revitalize your system and rid your body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.


SOG-3 Better Overall Health and Weight Loss .
Did you know that the average person contains 2 to 12 pounds of waste build up in their colon? This "build up" leads to bacteria and toxins that contaminate our system causing common sicknesses and diseases. Approximately 90% of all disease and discomfort is related to an unclean colon. Internal cleansing is essential for a healthy body and to stay young and beautiful.

Super Organic G-3 Advanced Formula is a winning combination of more than 50 types of organic vegetables, fruits, grains, essential minerals and vitamins. The crops are cultivated in soil under suitable temperature and moisture conditions, using the latest technology. SOG-3 provides balanced nutrients to all the organs in the body, many of which possess the functions of detoxification and cleansing while some will boost the body's immune system.

The product has 3 main functions:

  To Cleanse and detox the endocrine  system
  To Provide balanced nutrition and
  To Energise the immune system

Suitable for all diets and those with the following conditions:

  • Bad breath bowel congestion or stomach bloating
  • Excessive sweating; body odour
  • Suffering from kidney or liver toxicity
  • Constant blocked nose and or running nose
  • Wanting to lose body fat or wanting to gain muscle tone
  • Arthritis & rheumatism
  • Suffering from varicose veins, cellulite
  • Suffering from high or low blood pressure
  • Copius amounts of phlegm in the throat or nose in the morning
  • Suffering from digestive problems, constipation or haemorrhoids
  • Skin problems like age spots, rashes, pimples and acne

SOG3 – What’s in it?

Maitake Mushroom, Burdock Root, Milk Thistle, Astragalus Root, Hawthorn Berry, Pau D Arco, Ho Shou Wu (Fo Ti), Red Dulse, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Horsetail, Chlorella, Spirulina, Wild Rosehips, Echinacea, Japanese Green Tea, Siberian Ginseng Root, Licorice Root, Grape Seed Extract, Alfalfa, Barley Juice Powder, Wheat Grass, Spinach Leaf, Red Beet, Brown Rice Bran, Dandelion, Ginger root, Octacosanal, CoQ10, Bifidobacterium Bifidus, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, FOS, Apple Fiber, Jerusalem Artichoke Powder, Soy Protein, Flaxseed, Shitake Mushrooms, Bilberry Extract, Acerola Berry Juice Powder, Maritime Pine Bark Extract, Soy Lecithin

So why cleanse & detox?

Have you ever washed greasy dishes without hot water or dish soap? The dishes don't get clean, do they? When toxic metals and chemical food additives get inside your body, it takes a strong "cleanser" to scrub your body clean from the inside out. Toxins such as lead, mercury, and the side effects of aspartame's by-products of formic acid and formaldehyde, block nutrients from getting into normal body cells in the same fashion a lead shield blocks radiation during an x-ray. If toxins are present within your body, oxygen and the body's "food supply" cannot get inside your cells to supply needed nutrients, nor can the cells' waste products get out. Diseases, such as cancer, now have an environment in which to form. When these body toxins are removed, your body can then restore a healthy balance.

We need to clean and detoxify our body everyday, to prevent food that is undigested and unabsorbed becoming 'toxic waste' in our body, to prevent this toxicity permeating into our intestinal walls and becoming re-absorbed into blood capillaries and reaching all parts of our bodies - thus increasing our risks of developing chronic illnesses. In addition, the World Health Organization has forecasted colon cancer to be the number one cancer killer disease in developed countries in recent years. This discomforting fact has led to many medical professionals to openly declare colon cleansing as a route to longevity.


Bloating with abdominal distension is a big health problem today. It is usually due to gas in the large intestine, produced by fermentation in the bowel. As we age, small pocket of tissue may balloon out from the bowel, giving rise to the condition called diverticulitis. Within these small pockets (diverticula) food may lodge, become stale, ferment, and produce large amount of gas. The intestine may end up coated with food remnants that form small centres of fermentation. It is quite common for the sufferer to wake in the morning with a flat stomach and for the abdomen to swell as the day progresses, so that by bedtime the swelling resembles a six-month pregnancy. During the night lack of food and sugar in the intestine allows fermentation to abate. After a breakfast that contains sugar and yeasts, the fermentation in the bowel flares up again.

Bloating can also be caused by less efficient digestion as we age, with the result that we become more and more bloated throughout the day with each successive meal. Rich fatty foods of any kind including alcohol and coffee test the aging gut more than others. As we get older the intestines no longer contract synchronously and smoothly so their activity becomes more and more disorderly, promoting fermentation and preventing gas from escaping.

Abnormal gut movements can cause pain and entrapment of wind so that it builds instead of moving on down. So we can become bloated, distended and uncomfortable with a sense of fullness, wind--even nausea.

Taking SOG-3 can help to relieve trapped wind, because aside from aiding peristalsis, SOG-3 contains friendly bacteria like lactobacillus to keep unfriendly fermentation bacteria under control. SOG-3 also contains lots of fruits, veggies, and plant fibres - these help prevent solids bulking up in the large intestine so you can move them on out.


Provides complete nutrition to strengthen the immune system

Each serving of SOG-3 has more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, more fibre than oatmeal, more friendly bacteria (probiotics) than yogurt, more protein than a half dozen egg whites, and more greens, cofactors, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients than a basket of fruits and vegetables, plus omega-3 essential fatty acids and selected herbs. SOG-3 is designed to be hypoallergenic and to have a low glycemic response. It is a blend of organic and all natural foods that have been optimized with the most bio-available and usable nutrients and co-factors in existence. Including stabilized probiotics for healthy intestinal function, herbs to enhance major body systems, antioxidants to protect against free radical damage, vitamins and minerals to optimize the naturally occurring vitamin and mineral profile of food. With amino acids to optimize the naturally occurring amino acid profile of the plant proteins, and a custom enzyme complex to maximize the delivery of nutrients to the body.

Ingredients Chart

Maikate Mushroom
Boost immune system. Anti-tumor property. Helps in cancer prevention, support patients undergoing chemotherapy and benefit those infected with AIDS, hypertension and diabetes.
Red Dulse
This red algae has powerful bacterial and anti-cancer properties. It contains 10-20 times the minerals of land plants and an abundance of other vital elements for human metabolism. It is able to remove radioactive and toxic waste metals from the body and acts a lymphatic cleanser.
This is a very powerful high-protein algae that is extremely high in vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, natural digestive and other enzymes. It promotes cardio vascular health, helps to balance the body’s pH, helps in fighting cancer and many other diseases, causes the friendly bacteria in the human stomach to multiply at 4 times the normal rate and is the best natural detoxifier known for heavy metals and other synthetics. It has been known to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol, balancing blood sugar levels and preventing arthrosclerosis.


This algae is one of the most concentrated, nutritious foods on earth. It is the highest natural source of complete protein, besides being rich in carbohydrate, vitamins, all nine of the essential amino acids for vitality. It is known to be effective in alleviating indigestion, premenstrual problems, eczema and other skin conditions. It helps in detoxification, internal cleansing, and diabetes and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Green Tea
Lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, reduce the clotting tendency of the blood. Helps to reduce and control plaque-causing bacteria in the intestines. 
Cleanses the colon, promotes adrenal gland function and increases fluidity of mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. Beneficial for hypoglycemia, bronchitis, colitis, gastritis, stress, colds, nausea and inflammation.
Grape Seed
An anti-oxidant 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful then vitamin C. Promotes elasticity and flexibility of the skin and joint mobility.
Dairy Free
Probiotic Culture
Helps eliminate indigestion. Enhances internal cleansing necessary for intestinal health and increases the speed and efficiency of the natural healing process.


The word itself means "best food" and even during medieval times the Arabs called alfalfa the "Father of all food". It is the richest land grown source of trace minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It is also very rich in vitamins, protein and enzymes besides having natural anti-inflammatory properties in treating gout and arthritis. Aids in lowering blood sugar levels and stimulating insulin production in diabetics, detoxification properties in the liver and cleansing the bloodstream.
Barely JuicePowder
It is a booster for the immune system; helps elevate constipation and poor digestion. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and wound-healing properties, cholesterol-lowering effects and protects cells from free-radical damage.

Wheat Grass

Compared with spirulina and chlorella, wheat grass is more cooling and faster in cleansing of toxins in the body. Its strong digestive properties help those with liver excesses, slow digestion and gastrointestinal inflammation. Organically grown, wheat grass is a concentrated source of beta carotene, calcium, selenium, iron, chlorophyll, fiber, vitamins C and E and folic acid. 
Spinach is rich in vitamin A, C, folic acid, iron, zinc and carotene. It is very useful for balancing and stimulating the pancreas to assist in regulating blood sugar levels and digestion. It also helps to cool the blood and clear it of toxins. A booster for the immune system and good eye sight besides relieving constipation and difficulties with urination. 
Brown Rice Bran
It is a good source of nutrients and dietary fiber which as a part of a total diet plan, has been shown to reduce the incidence of some forms of cancer and coronary heart disease. 

Unsurpassed, Advanced Nutri-Rich Bioactive Phyto-Nutrient Rich Superfood

SOG-3 is formulated specifically to help support those who want a cleansing Health Promoting, Energising, Immune Enhancing, Alkaline Promoting, Complete Nutritional Supplement and / or High Protein nutritional drink. It also provides these powerful bioactive Phyto-Nutrients: Soy Isoflavones, Soy Sponins, Genistein, Daidzen, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin, Cryptoxamphin, Lutein, Sulforaphane, Ellagic Acia, Carotenoids, Isothiocyanates and Indole 3 Carbinols.

SOG-3 is rich in natural fibre. It is capable of expanding 5 to 8 times from its original size after consumption. SOG-3 has powerful lipids which absorb toxins and assist peristalsis, by filling up empty spaces in the intestines, acting as a lubricant, cleanser, and scrapper of extremely toxic stubborn stools that have built up in the colon over a long period of time. Therebye maintaining a clean environment in our gastrointestinal system. Most importantantly, through research conducted by the University of Minnesota, SOG-3 can alleviate autointoxication, a condition caused by excessive absorption of toxins produced in the intestines and therebye lowering lipoprotein (one of the most dangerous cholesterols) and reducing up to 4.8% of the cholesterol level in the body.

Positive Reactions to SOG-3

After 3 to 6  Days

The excretion of excess blockages from the colon causes frequent visits to the toilet.
Natural detoxification reaction in the body causes stomach discomfort and excessive gas.
Those who have suffered from previous illnesses and those with acidic body PH may experience pain in those weaker areas.
The colour of faeces changes to a golden yellow colour, indicating improvements in the digestive system and body condition.
Up to 45 Days
Besides toxin, the water content in the colon is reduced.
Improves the condition of the liver and prevents toxins from being absorbed into the body.
Toxins in other organs in the body will also be reduced and improved blood circulation will give a glowing and radiant complexion.
Hormonal imbalances will be elevated. Preventing ruddy skin tones, skin pigmentation and freckles.
Blood pressure and liver ailments will begin to improve.
More than 45 Days
The toxins would have been discharged.
Enjoy a general improvement in health.
The immune system would have been strengthened, reducing frequency of contracting some common contagious diseases like flu.


Price List - SOG3

To book your initial consultation please call
07 5559 1631 or 0434 799 096

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